Sunday, April 20, 2008

Because you're mine, I walk the line (the Mason-Dixon Line)

Day 1- Washington, DC

Last night we went to eat dinner. And at dinner- like any ordinary person- my mother ordered sweet tea. And this is what transpired:

Mom: Sweet tea, please
Waiter: It's just tea
Me: That's right- we are in the north now. We'll have to sweeten it ourselves.
Waiter: We're not north. Technically, we're below the Mason-Dixon line...

I'm sorry- but everyone know... Mason-Dixon line is not the deciding factor that determines whether you are a northern or southern state or not.... If you serve Sweet and Unsweet tea in a restaurant- you are a southern state. If you only serve "tea"- face it, your a northern state. 

Darn Yankees. 

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