Sunday, October 19, 2008

Truth is so subjective. Its so hard when discussing "truth" to really find a place where you can say "Yes, absolutely. That is the truth." Because truth looks a little different to everyone.

When we come to find things to be true, we don't do it isolated. We bring our own personal slants into it- the way we were raised, our beliefs, our prior experiences, the people we know.... we don't just approach an idea or situation completely objectively (because that is pretty much impossible...).

That's why its so hard to explain and live in truth. Because if I live what is true for me and my life, then someone is going to think that it's not "true" becuase of where they are coming from. But if I live in what is true for someone else, then I risk the chance of losing a grasp on what is true for me.

Sometimes the truth hurts and is a hard place to live. Sometimes truth has consequences. Or calls us to do things that might not make sense. Or things that make perfect sense to some, but not to others.

I often find its easy to be completely truthful to the people who are going to love me regardless of whether they like my personal truth or not. They are willing to accept a truth as my own and be able to not like it while still supporting the fact that it is that truth I need to live in.

So where does this leave me with people whose love is subjective to how I believe, think, act? People who might be made uncomfortabe or hurt by my truth? People who won't unconditionally accept me? Well....I guess that leaves me living a lie in part. Or I guess you can't really qualify a lie in part....its either a lie or not.

But sometimes the truth is hard to hear/see/feel but has to be told whether people like it or not.

And since I'm a huge supporter of the belief that the truth will set you free, I guess I believe that living a lie leaves you captive.

So which is more important? To be truthful with yourself and live in that? Or to live a lie and let other people be comfortable?

Not an easy question. Not a question that can be satisfied with an easy answer. Probably one of those questions that I'll have to live my way into the answer.

1 comment:

Chris said...

I love the out loud, or in this case, in print thinking! They are increddible thoughts and questions!
Good ones to ponder!

I have been pondering truth as well, but in a different way and meaning, check it out if youo get a chance.