Thursday, November 6, 2008


I believe that:
-a hug can change perspective
-laughing until you cry is necessary
-sometimes a good cry really does cure all
-driving with the windows down is just better
-everyone has at least one great novel in them
-conversations with your best friend about nothing can actually be lifechanging
-the best season is the one you're in
-no memory should be regretted. You live, you learn, you grow
-mistakes are how you learn
-staying in your pj's all day on Saturday should happen at least once a month
-I figure more out about life at 3am while I clean house
-smiling at strangers confuses
-big, obnoxious sunglasses are fun
-silly songs should be sung
-hot chocolate and sm'ores have miraculous healing powers
-sometimes only Momma can make it better
-miracles happen every day
-surronding ourselves with people who make us laugh is true wisdom
-if you don't take risks, you risk more than you know
-love always wins, even if not in the way we thought it would
-there is not a single person who can save our country- it takes us all
-there is no one who can make you happy outside of ourselves
-we are the answers to most of our questions
-life is good.
We fight so much about what we disagree on, we forget thats its the little things we all believe in that unite us and give us power

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