Thursday, November 13, 2008

"And it will change in time, and we'll feel more alive....."

I'm sitting in Panera listening to some tunes and working on some stuff.... you know- taking advantage of wireless while I'm in a place that has it.... and to my left is a table full of (what I assume) are freshmen in college who have gotten together with old friends and an old coach (apparently they all used to wrestle... I've learned alot tonight) and they are talking about school, and their hopes and dreams, etc... you know all the typical 19 year old ideas...

And its so funny, because I remember having these conversations with my friends at the start (and the middle and the end) of college. You meet and tell each other what's been happening and what you plan on happening. You lay out your life plan and you are so confident that everything will happen just like that....that everything will end up nice and neat. That you are at point a and you can see point b which will lead to point get my drift.

Part of me wants so badly to go over there and let them know that life doesn't happen like that. Tell them that you can't draw a map of where you are going and what you are doing- because inevitably, things will change. Problems will arise. Detours will happen. I want to let them know to not hold too tightly to their plans, because that will lead to disappointment.

But there's another part of me (that wins the inner battle) that will keep her mouth shut and let those wonderful young hopeful kids dream their dreams and lay out their five year plans. I'm going to sit here and listen and enjoy their overall hopeful tone. Soak in their hopes and dreams and plans.... because there is an innocent beauty in that.

And as I sit here listening to them, I realize that although my five year plan hasn't quite followed the route I mapped out.... I wouldn't trade it. But despite of the fact I'm not where I'd thought I would be and I'm not quite sure where I am going- I still continue to plan and hope and dream and imagine possibilities....

Because I believe in the future....even if I don't know what it will be- I have confidence that it will be.

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