Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Now that I've recuperated from the craziness of the Easter season, I've actually had a few moments to consider what Easter is. What is means for me and what it brings to my life (kind of a shame that its only after Easter that I truly have time to celebrate it).

On a blog I read (Stuff Christians Life- he asked people to finish this sentence: Easter is: _______________.

For me: Easter is something that (only because of the first Easter) can happen again and again and again.

Because death was conquered by Life on that first Easter, we have the power through Christ to conquer death in our own lives.

Every time a broken heart is comforted and the pain is lessened, that is an Easter.
Every time a fear is conquered and courage is found, that is an Easter.
Every time a numbed person starts to feel life again, that is an Easter.
Every time a broken community finds reconciliation, that is an Easter.
Every time despair is replaced with hope, that is Easter.
Every time a goodbye is said so a hello can happen, that is Easter.

Because of the amazing power and Love of the first Easter, we get to be an Easter people. Experiencing the new life and hope of Easter in many ways everyday.

Christ is risen! Indeed.

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