Wednesday, July 1, 2009

"For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountains of fresh flowing living waters, and then dug cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water." -Jeremiah 2.13

Let it go, Jeremiah. Who cares where they get their drink of water? I mean, what's the big deal? So the people have changed water sources? Only since Jeremiah is a prophet, we should assume he is speaking metaphorically here. And the metaphor is: the Israelites have forgotten their eternal and unending God and turned toward mortal and temporal worship.
And once again, Jeremiah speaks truth not only into that ancient situation, but into my life today. For you see, I have a problem with faith. I just don't have enough of it.
I say I trust God, but I put more trust in my health insurance. I say I love God, and yet my friends or my figure get more of my time and devotion than He does. I say I believe He has a plan that is unfolding in my life, yet I worry and run back and forth down paths trying to figure out which one is right. I say I know He will provide fresh flowing water for my life, but I consistenly carry around a water bottle.
Why am I seeking refreshment from a broken, cracked, limited cistern when I have access to uneding, ever flowing, living water?

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