Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Have you ever noticed that in the Bible you only get the stories from one person's perspective? That there is only one narrator and one person whose thoughts, feelings, emotions, and statements that you get a clear picture of?

What about all the other people in the story? Its struck me recently that maybe as important as what is said in stories in the Bible (or actually just in life maybe) is what goes unsaid. Whose voice you don't hear from. Whose perspective you aren't able to see. Because they have a story too.

I was reading the story of David and Bathsheba recently and I noticed that there is very little about Bathsheba in the story. Besides the fact she was beautiful and loved by David, we find out very little about her. Did she love David? Did she love Uriah? Did her heart break at Uriah's death? Was she relieved at Uriah's death? Did she go willingly to David? Did part of her know that it was wrong? Was she torn in two over this decision?

I know the Bible is a tool God uses to teach us about Himself. That the words within it hold power and sway over our lives. But sometimes I wonder, if the words that aren't in there possible just as powerful.

I'm going to start seeking out what goes unspoken. Intentionally searching for the voices unheard, the perspecitives unshared.

Perhaps there's just as much truth and power in what goes unspoken as there is in what is said loud and clear.

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