Tuesday, August 25, 2009

There is this story about a man on an African safari deep in the jungle. The guide before him had a machete and was wacking away the tall weeds and thick underbrush. The traveler, wearied and hot, asked in frustration, "Where are we? Do you know where you are taking me? Where is the path!?" The seasoned guide stopped and looked back at the man and replied,
"I am the path."
Did you hear that? That quiet exhalation, so unconscious it almost could go unoticed. But happened out of relief. Did you feel the lightening of your shoulders? The little flip of joy in your heart. Well, I did.
It's nice to be reminded that I don't have to see clearly where I am going. I just have to see clearly the One who is leading me.
I need the reminder that I don't have to follow a certain path, I just have to follow a certain Guide. For He is the Way.

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