Friday, April 11, 2008

Why Not?

Your heart is racing, who are you standing next to?
I'm too Bristow for my heart to race.... (or not.) Probably my elementary school boyfriend. He has always made my heart race. :)

Something you hate more than anything?
Hate is a strong word. But it really irks me when people unload the dishes from the dishwasher and leave them on the counter without putting them UP. That is my current gripe. Trite, I know.

You’re standing on the edge of the cliff, who are your last goodbyes to?
Why would I be standing on the edge of a cliff? And if I was on the edge of a cliff and in the position that I needed to say last goodbyes- instead of saying them I would be making sure I didn't have to say them- i.e., I would be getting myself off the edge of a cliff.

What’s one business you’d start if you could?
I'd open a coffee shop/book store/cafe.... complete with Christmas lights on the porch and a hammock on the patio and really comfy chairs

Tears are falling from your face, what’s the reason?
Eh...tears are my go too emotion. So I could be really happy or really sad or angry or frustrated or laughing....

Your phone rings, who are you expecting?
No one right now... so it'd be a surprise.

You go into walmart and have $20 to spend, what do you buy?
chapstick, water gun, disposable camera, popsicles...

You’re sitting at home bored, who do you call?
I don't call. I read a book or go to the park. OR I call Chelsea for some girl talk.

You’re walking down the street with your love, where are you going?
More like, I'm walking down the street LOOKING for my love.

What are you going to do this weekend?
spring cleaning, babysit, road trip, movie, church, meeting with staff parish, homework

What are you excited about?
DC with the family next week!

If an unstoppable force comes across an unmovable object then what happens?
A pretty good action movie plot

Who was the last person to call/text you unexpectedly?

Are you comfortable with answering personal questions?
Kinda of have to be in my job. But outside of "work" so to speak, it really depends on the person asking and the intention behind the question

Have you ever envisioned your own wedding?
I'm a girl, I live with someone who is planning her wedding, and I've been in about 5 weddings- you do the math: my wedding plan- ELOPE!

Who will you be with Saturday night?
Shelley and Jamie?

What woke you up this morning?
the doorbell (for the record- was unaware our doorbell worked)

If you took a drug test would you pass it?
unless tylenol pm messes that up

Is tomorrow going to be a good night?
of course it is

Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
Sure did. I babysat so lots of sweet baby hugs and kisses.

Who do you wish you were with right now?
Great question...

How many speeding tickets do you have?

What are you doing today?
Oh dear- I cleaned like I've never cleaned before... I don't know what got into me... my closets are sooooo organized its sick. I did laundry. I groceried shopped. I babysat a two year old and a 9 week old.

If you had one whole day to yourself, what would you do?
Apparently- I would clean. Other than that, take a book to the park, hike, cook something.

Are you in a good mood?
Sure. Except this show I am watching is stressing me out a little.....

Are you talking to anyone while doing this?

What makes you happy?
Simple things- talking to my mom, hearing my little sister play the piano, snuggling, vanilla ice cream cones, rain puddles, daisies, flip flops, sunshine, driving with the music on and windows down, hugs, happy endings.

One wish?
....kingdom of God to happen more fully here on earth...

Next concert?
Great question- um. ??? Suggestions?

Was your last kiss a mistake?
Even if it was, I can't undo it.

When was the last time you cried really, really hard?
eh 48 hours ago?

If the world was to end tomorrow, what would you be doing right now?
Having some serious conversations with some people....

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