Thursday, January 28, 2010

I'm angry.

Literally. I'm at the seeing-red, want-to-punch-someone-in-their-face, irrational point of anger.

And this is really rare for me. I'm not an angry person. I very rarely feel rage or want to hurt anyone.

But tonight, I'm just there. And since its a foreign and uncomfortable emotion for me, I'm struggling to know what to do with it.

I know the song says "carry everything to God in prayer". But I wonder. Can He really handle my anger? Can I really approach Him with it? Aren't you supposed to get rid of all the "bad" emotions, like anger, greed, jealously, lust, etc, before you approach God?

But all I can find myself doing is giving my anger to God and asking Him what to do with it? Talking to him with all my rage and tension and looking Him dead in the eye and asking if He can handle it?

And the funny thing is that this might be the most authentic prayer I've prayed in a long time. This might be the most pure moment of communion with God that I've had in awhile. Because the key ingredient in prayer is honesty. And if you try to come before God and lie, cover up, or hide where you are at- then that's not prayer. That's not true communion with God.

So tonight, I'm being real. I'm being honest. I'm praying.

And I know I'm praying to a God who is big enough and strong enough and awesome enough to handle any and all emotions I have. The good ones and the not so good ones.

1 comment:

Ed said...

Kelly, be honest, express how you really feel, God will be there and He can handle it.
