Sunday, January 17, 2010

Top 5- Smart "alec" reasons I'm going to start giving people for changing jobs

I'm in the midst of a major life change and the reasons are so complicated and kind of weird that I can't really sum them up in a sentence. So it really throws me for a loop when people ask "Why?" and I stand there and drool with no concise answer to offer people.

So my friend Joey and myself brainstormed the other night over burritos for excuses I coud give and we came up with five to rotate:

1. I'm joining the cast of Glee and filming starts in February.
2. I'm joining the circus.
3. Now that Lane Kiffin is leaving Knoxville, its safe for me to go back to East TN.
4. I'm entering into witness protection.
5. Just tell them: "That's classified."

Each one is ridiculous enough that when I offer these, it will create enough of pause in the conversation for me to make a not so graceful escape and thus avoid all this awkwardness.

Sucks when you can't really explain the truth.

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