Tuesday, January 26, 2010

roll those credits

If my life were a movie (and let's face it- it stands a pretty decent shot at becoming a made for TV movie one of these days), I would be at the point in the movie right before the big climax. I'd be at the point of the movie where things seem the worst. Where hope was the lowest. The point where evil seemed to be winning over good and the good guys look like they just might get defeated.

If my life were a movie, we'd be at the point where everyone in the audience has a sick pit of fear in their stomachs because they aren't entirely sure that there is a happy ending to be had.

BUT the thing is- is that right after THAT point in the movie- the awful point- comes the big break. Its guaranteed. That right after the moment where the rain is falling, comes the moment where the clouds break and the sun reappears. That always following the place where the good guys get defeated, get broken, get disheartened- immediately after comes the point where they find courage to try again, to rebuild, to renew their hope. There is always a shift, a change, a break and good always comes out on top in the end.

And this is what I've got to remember. That even if I am in the moment where evil seems to be prevailing, that it is JUST A MOMENT. That soon, things wills shift and realign and good will come out again as the victor. Because good always wins. I've just got to hold onto the hope. I've got to keep my faith. I've got to tell myself that even when everything else seems to the contrary, that happy endings happen and good prevails over evil and light will always dissipate the dark.

So if my life were a movie, this would be the moment where someone would make an inspirational speech or have a good cry or just experience an attitude adjustment. So don't turn the movie off just yet in despair, let's see what comes next.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amen. Could we make the dramatic shift one of those scenes where one person gives a speech and then starts clapping slowly, and eventually the whole giant crowd joins in and are super pumped up and inspired by their unified clapping?!?!